O2E Recycling Technologies
O2E Farming

Let us decide for the Future
Energy is the mankind's engine.
The Earth is the mother of us all. The time a truly cosmic judge.
We decide for ourselves how the verdict one day will turn out.
Let us decide for the FUTURE
Flexible Process
O2E plants can handle different feedstock mixes at different and/or same time.
up to > 90% conversion
Closed Cycles
Process any Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
derived plastics, rubbers, textiles, wood and any of these
single waste streams quickly, converting them into valuable
chemical derivatives (cracking oil, blending oil, off road engine fuel oil, No2 fuel, heating oil, Syngas) and subsequently directly into electricity and heat.

- infaillibly through technical backups
- no primary energy needed for plant
- no toxic gases or residues produced during process
- short setup time
- 100% conversion, no residues
- 100% feedstock to energy conversion efficiency
- broad spectrum of potential feedstocks
- technology evades Feedstock supply competition by
providing independancy from the extremely fast changing biomass availability market
Plants are unique in their:
- catalytic cold conversion and gasification processes (patented)
- no burning process
- modular systems
- high flexibility in feedstock
- handle different feedstock mixes at same time
- automatic operation
- supports decentralized sorting an inexpensive equipment
- technology without combustion, hermetically sealed process
- no emissions
- CO2 neutral
- participation in Carbon Credits Trading
- the entire process takes place in liquid or gaseous conditions,
all processes are automated
- pollutant companions such as chlorine, sulfur, mercury,
chromium and other heavy metals in feedstock are removed
savely and neutralized

MRF - Material Recovery Facility
- self contained
- rapid deployment
- modular
- automatic operation
- total process line can run automatically
- radio controlled frontloader
- simple infrastructure requirements allows for reuse of plant
- scalable
- units can be upgraded or added
- units can be moved to other site
- custom designed to available waste streams

Plastic & Tires Recycling
Catalytic Cold Conversion
- self contained
- NO burning process
- rapid deployment
- containerized
- automatic operation
- total process line run automatically by remote control
- simple infrastructure requirements allow for reuse of plant
- moular scalable
- units can be modular upgraded or added easy
- units can be moved to other sites
- highest flexibility in mix of feedstock
(plastics, rubber, textiles, others)
- produce blending oil, cracking oil, off road
engine fuel, heating oil, No2 fuel (diesel equivalent fuel)

Wood Recycling
Wood Gasifier
- self contained
- rapid deployment
- containerized
- automatic operation
- total process line run automatically by remote control
- simple infrastructure requirements allow for reuse of
the plant
- moular scalable
- units can be modular upgraded or added easy
- units can be moved to other sites
- highest flexibility in feedstock
(woods, rice husks, nut shells, various dry biomass)
- produce clean high calorific Syngas

CHP - Cogeneration Plants
- self contained
- rapid deployment
- containerized
- automatic operation
- total process line run automatically by remote control
- simple infrastructure requirements allows for reuse of
- modular scalable
- units can be modular added easy
- units can be moved to other sites
- diesel or gas driven, custom designed to project
- produce electricity & heat/cooling

© 2024 O2E Recycling Technologies Ltd.